Monday, January 30, 2012

To queen or not to queen

I like the queen and as a result deem myself a monarchist.
In my opinion she has performed her duties as head of state with total dedication and without compromise. But before you disagree think for a minute or two about the merits of President Clinton or President Sarkozy. Do I have some complaints, well a few, but not enough to say that overall she doesn't do a good job.
My main complaint is that she doesn't have Windsor castle illuminated at night, other than for official functions. As an ex Windsor resident I can't tell you how magnificent it looked when it was lit up as you drove down the M4. It made you feel warm and proud at the same time.  It is one of our few grand, national monuments and should be illuminated at all times. Bloody hell, Ripon Cathedral is illuminated at night thanks to private sponsorship so why not Windsor castle (I must admit the thought of seeing the Kwik Fit logo splashed up the side of the castle does make me smile)?
But I digress, back to the monarchy. Seems like Brenda does everything that is asked of her and will do so until the day she dies. That's pretty damn good in my book.
What I fear most is Prince Charles taking over the throne. I know nothing about the man other than to see him ponce around in antiquated clothing and talking like a total tosser in a most unnatural and affected way. He's roughly the same age as me but, according to Jan (an avowed republican), I at least look and sound normal (she's not right about everything you know - Ed).


  1. I agree about the Queen. She was given a job to do and she has got on and done it with dignity. I agree about Prince Charles as well. Very limp. Not sure whether I am for the crown or republic. I do think that 'Queen and court' makes for a class system though. We have a lot of English 'Upper class' here in SW France, and they have a ruling attitude over everyone, including the French. It's a wonder they don't chuck them out!

  2. Who said you look and sound normal?

  3. The 'upper class' attitude in SW France is interesting. Can't say I noticed it in Gard, where we lived, but there were certainly some very strange English folks.

  4. Is this little rant anything to do with you being 'passed over' in the New Years honours list (again).

  5. Is the clock out on this blog? Only there are some out of synch posting times.
    I too don't fancy Charles taking over he would talk a glass eye to sleep.

  6. I'll try and sort out the post times Kathy but as far as I can see it's set up correctly.

  7. I agree about the Queen and have similar misgivings about Charles. The thing that worries me most about him is Camilla, the woman whose presence in his marriage drove Diana, who would have made a good queen I think, to lose the plot.
    Mind you, the recent very intersting programmes on TV about former British royals tells us there's nothing new in all of that.


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