Thursday, May 10, 2012

A bit of pomp and a lot of laughs

I'm a monarchist. I can't see anybody, elected or not, doing a better job as Head of State. But I must admit to having a good laugh at some of the pomp associated with yesterday's opening of parliament.
For goodness sake they should do away with some of the stupid titles of people who make up the queen's retinue. Black Rod would be my first to go especially as the position is very definitely a white man.
The poor schmuck who carries the Cap of Maintenance. What's that all about?
Princess Ann in full male navy uniform is something like Black Stick in waiting. What a load of bollocks.
The Queen looks stupid (sorry maaaarm) wearing a crown, robes and reading glasses (get her back in civvies) whilst reading the speech which I understand is written on goatskin. The ink of which takes three days to dry.
When it's all finished, the Crown and Sceptre and of course the Cap of Maintenance get their own carriage complete with high ranking military personnel and outriders for their ultimate trip back to the Tower of London.
One of the carriages had two footmen at the back, on the outside, hanging on for grim death and if that doesn't look stupid enough they have another smaller, younger chap cosying right up behind them, hanging on for even grimmer death.
It's hilarious. Lots of pomp and good for a laugh. Long live the Queen!

1 comment:

  1. I agree.
    As our queen gets older I have more and more admiration for the fabulous job she is still doing, in spite of the clangers dropped by her offspring.
    But I do think some of the rituals now look ridiculous and could be modernised without losing the history or the spledour of the occasions.


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