Friday, November 2, 2012

Just don't touch the tyres

I quite like Halloween. I realise that it's a recent American import but basically it does no harm and is a darn sight better than the havoc we used to inflict when we were youngsters. Mischief Night we used to call it.
I like all the little ones dressing up and I like it when they come round begging for sweets. It's once a year for goodness sake, once a year to show an effort and get on with your neighbours. Once a year to avoid getting your tyres slashed or scratch marks down the car (just kidding). Once a year to show that you are a good all round egg and not worthy of your neighbours opprobrium.
I like giving the children sweets, not in a Jimmy Savile sort of way, but because they are usually tiny tots who have made an effort to dress up and that should be rewarded. Must admit we had a bit of a panic this year because even though we bought a huge tin of sweets and a back up bag of chocolates  (which I could eat if we had any left over) we ended up with just two small chocolate bars at the end of the two hour feeding frenzy. Phew.
I'm off to dress up now to see if I can get Jan to reward me in some way.


  1. I don't think Uncle Fester would have quite the same appeal for Jan!

  2. Ah, but can you still get into the leopardskin leotard and the suspenders ??!!

    I have mixed feelings about trick or treat. When I see the little tots like the ones in your picture my heart melts and I give them chocolate. But when I see older kids dressed in a half-hearted effort and gathering at the end of people's driveways, having a smoke and arguing over the booty they've got so far, I'm not so sure - also when I am behind a mum in Tesco's with a basket full of Chinese made tat to dress the kids in that comes to thirty quid. But the original spirit of the thing is as you say, harmless fun.

  3. He dressed as normal, but I couldn't tell the difference between that and a Halloween costume.


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