Saturday, September 17, 2011

Get a life

Most Yorkshire men are taking time off this morning (well actually only one)  from leading Lancashire to win the county championship for the first time in 77 years. So it was a nice surprise to see that they were 'doing' the weather from Harrogate this morning on the BBC news.
The presenter was at the Flower Show which also featured humongous vegetables and other things horticultural. Not any old vegetables mind you but grotesque over grown monsters like the one above.
What's all that about?
These people have obviously only ever heard of genetically modified crops (not that it worries me) and their one aim in life is to grow the biggest of their chosen vegetable. They're all barking.

And, whilst I'm at it, what's the problem with me eating sweeties in the car? My all time favourites are M&S fruit gums, but you don't always see them, they're a bit rare (that's because you are always eating them - Ed) so when I do see them I buy several packets. So far so good.
The next problem is that when we get home, Jan hides them. She doesn't like me eating sweeties in the car, she says I make a lot of noise! She has an absolute mountain of them (and a few choccies as well) hidden somewhere. But can I find them? What's all that about?
It's like living with the bloody Gestapo.

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