Monday, June 3, 2013

Rotten Apple

From time to time I have ranted about Apple and the ridiculous price of their otherwise very good products. It seems that there was some justification but in a way that I didn't anticipate. Take a look at this.


  1. I bet you feel guilty for buying that iPad now.

    1. I temper my guilt with knowing that I didn't get up in the middle of the night, or queue, to buy it and I bought it at a decent discount because the new one had just come out and someone was shifting stock.

  2. I don't feel guilty at all. It's not up to me to work out how to get these people to do the right thing and pay their fair share of tax, any more than it's up to me to stop people claiming the benefits they don't deserve, for which the rest of us also foot the bill. It's up to the politicians to do that, it's what we pay them for.


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