Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The ultimate quandry

I suppose that it's a sign of my age that I have started to think more about the recent discussions on assisted suicide and what my attitude is. I have no fear of death, as long as it's fairly quick and painless, but I do have a fear of living my last days with a poor quality of life or worse still as a vegetable being looked after by others (not much change there then - Ed).
Neither of us wanted to watch last night's programme on BBC, me because there's enough depressing stuff on TV and Jan for very similar reasons. We both feel that we should have the right to die, where and when we want but we respect others if they feel differently.
I suppose it's the ultimate selfish act. My real fear is the pain that may result with one's nearest and dearest and in particular those that would like you to stay around. I guess you'd have to start a long drawn out process in getting people used to the idea.
All very interesting.


  1. I'm with you. I couldn't persuade myself to watch it last night but might yet pluck up the courage to watch it on i-player.
    I don't fear death either but I'm sure like everyone else I'd want it to be painless and quick. If not, then I can very much see a trip to Dignitas on the cards. It seems like a logical step to my way of thinking. We're kind enough to do it to animals, so why not ourselves? I know that others have opposing views.
    My only goal is to outlive my Mother.. as losing a second child would be a very painful process for her. I'm sure that Clive would be fine and indeed keeps my life insurance policy where it can easily be found!

  2. I didn't watch it either as I think it would have been distressing. I have been brought up to believe in the sanctity of life so this is a difficult one for me. I know I wouldn't want to put my loved ones in this position as I feel that would be unfair to them and selfish on my part. Neither would I want to suffer. I honestly do not know what would prevail.

  3. I suspect the more strong one's religious beliefs then the more difficult it becomes. I can't speak for other religions but I was raised a catholic so I know that the subject would be abhorrent for them. I now don't support any religion and class myself as an atheist so I guess it makes those decisions a bit easier for me. I just wouldn't want to hurt anybody else.


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