Friday, June 5, 2015

Common sense

So my mother came to me shamefaced this morning and admitted that she had come to France without sufficient Allopurinol. A medicine that she takes for gout which can be very painful if not treated.
If we were in England away from home it would be a big problem because you can't get anything out of a pharmacy without a script, believe me I've tried.
So muggings here set off for the local pharmacy armed with an empty medicine  box and an English script and in my best Franglais tried to explain the situation to the nice young man behind the counter.
I only need 8 pills I said. That won't be possible he said, my heart sank, you'll have to buy a full box. Result.


  1. Very reassuring.
    We can only get two months worth of our various pills out of our UK GP at one time. I live in fear of running out if we stay chez nous longer than we intended. Now I know how to get more!

  2. We have had no problems when we have run out of the various pills necessary for life...The only downside is the cost!! BUT then being a Yorkshire man you will appreciate that also.

    1. Something tells me that it might be cheaper in France. But I've got no evidence other than the box that I got for mum cost 2.66 euros. That seemed cheap to me.

  3. I do miss the French health care system. It treated us both supremely well while we lived there. I rather liked that you had to go to your Doctor there every 8 weeks to renew your prescription and have a once over. Here, with auto renew, it's convenient, but it's not often reviewed by your GP.

    1. I agree you certainly feel better but I wonder if you are actually physically better. It's interesting comparing the two systems.


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