Friday, April 1, 2011


Humour's a funny thing.
As part of Jan's ongoing campaign of trying to get a bit more culture into me we headed to Harrogate Theatre again last night.
We'd never heard of this guy, Count Arthur Strong, but the reviews were good and we thought that we'd give it a go. The audience, we'd noticed, were a bit older than last time we went so we were intrigued to see what would happen. When I say older you have to remember that this was Harrogate, where you have to prove that you're over 60 before they'll serve you a drink!
Anyway, CAS started his act and the audience around us were laughing there heads off. Jan and I looked at each other in puzzlement because we couldn't see anything funny at all. It's fair to say that we didn't laugh once in 45 minutes, so much so that we decided to leave at the interval.
It reminded me of the last act we'd seen, Mark Steel, he was making the audience laugh a lot and I noticed a chap at the end of our row who didn't laugh once. I kept checking and I don't think that either he or his partner laughed at all.
Funny thing humour.


  1. I suppose that humour is a very personal thing... one mans poison and all that.
    You were both brave to go and see someone you weren't familiar with!

  2. Yes we took a chance but decided to give it a go nonetheless. Maybe we were still full of the euphoria from the last act we'd seen. Hey ho.


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