Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Too many new start ups

Ouch, that hurt.
I had a tooth out on Monday but only the top of the tooth split off and the dentist couldn't shift the two remaining roots.
On Tuesday I went back and saw the head honcho dentist who ummd and ahhd and, because there wasn't much left to get hold of, he intimated that it wasn't going to be easy to get the last bits out. I interpreted his words as, 'this is going to hurt.' It did. A lot. A helluva lot.
Still, I took the precaution of grabbing his nuts before he started so that he would know exactly when he was hurting me.


It looks like someone has already beaten me to a new religion which puts the kibosh on mine for the time being. If we're going to be taken seriously as a religion then you can't have nutters like him muscling in. Damn.


  1. LOL, you are obviously feeling better. Rather a risque thing to do that Alex.

    You'd think a pastifarian would have pulled his hair through the holes in the sieve!

  2. Just the strainer? Now if there was angel hair and some marinara in the mix then I might be tempted.

  3. It occurs to me that you might not be taking this seriously. We must all get focussed on our primary objective, which is to make this an extremely financially successful religion.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So that's it then, first sign of seroius opposition and you are considering giving up!

  6. Ivan, I am just a weak mortal who strives for greater things and I am constantly trying to improve myself and those around me. I am starting to understand my failings and am striving to make personal improvements. All members of my 'church' must look at themselves constantly (after they have sent their subscriptions) and one area that you might like to concentrate on is your spelling!

  7. Spelling is NOT important:

    "Arocdnicg to research at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only iprmoatnt thing is that the first and last letter are in the right pcale. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is buseace the human mind does not read every letter by itself, but the word as a wlohe."

    I might remain an atheist if you are going to be picky .......

  8. Ivan, it's my job to be picky but it is also within me to be loving and forgiving but only if you are up-to-date with your subs.

  9. I'm a bit financially embarrassed at present what with the E Type fund an all...

    .. I don't want you to form the opinion that I'm not taking this religion thing seriously but just wondered, these monthly subs - is it a ticket to heaven job or ......

  10. Monthly subs = nirvana. Simple as that.

  11. He does look like he's about to have his highlights touched up.

  12. What kind of a hairdresser do you go to?


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