Wednesday, March 20, 2013


A slightly less exotic lunch today but still very tasty. Pork chops, baked potato, baby leeks cooked in butter and spiced red cabbage. Excellent.
I'm reminded that I haven't mentioned puddings. At lunch we would usually have fruit, like a bowl of raspberries and blueberries or cooked plums but today we had one of my favourites. A dollop of mascarpone with Buderim ginger sauce poured over. Naughty.

This evening it was rice stuffed into oven roasted peppers. The rice was leftover from Saturday but was pepped up with sultanas and pine nuts. Very tasty.


  1. That looks lovely. I can never get pork chops right so usually steer clear of them. I either under or over cook them. The only pork I can do well is a stuffed tenderloin on the BBQ.

    1. We don't eat a lot of pork but saw some good looking stuff in Lidls not so long ago and in my view it was outstanding. Jan obviously cooks it right because it was tender and very juicy. We don't use Lidls very often, its a bit out of the way, but we found in France that if you pick and choose carefully you can get some good stuff. The same principal appears to apply in the UK.


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